Romans 8:12-25

Prayerfully read the passage and then answer the following questions:
Also Read: Eph 1:13–14, 2 Cor. 1:22

  1. Rephrase verse 13 in your own words. What is Paul communicating?
  2. Explain the value of verse 15 in the context of the passage? Explain the value it has to you personally.
  3. Based on the context of the passage, what do the sufferings in verse 18 refer to?
  4. Why do you think Paul mentions the Creation in verses 19-22? How does that apply to us as men and women?
  5. Do the Ephesians and 2 Corinthians passage help us to understand verse 23? Explain.
  6. Why is there an emphasis on our bodies as opposed to our spirits in verse 23?
  7. What are we waiting for in verse 25? What does that waiting look like based on this verse?
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