Romans 8:1-11

Also read: Romans 4:7-8, John 3:18-19, Galatians 4:1-9

  1. How does condemnation seek to discourage you specifically? If you haven’t done so already. Memorize verse 1.
  2. If you were to summarize the “Law of Sin and Death” how do you think it would read.
  3. We couldn’t be saved by the law, because our flesh is too week to allow us to keep the law perfectly. Explain in your own words what God did specifically to fix that issue.
  4. Walking in the Spirit is an important point in this passage. Paul talks about it from verse 4-11. Explain how you see yourself walking according to the spirit as opposed to the flesh.
  5. If we on occasion experience what we would call being in the flesh, how can you explain Paul’s strong statement in verse 9?
  6. Describe in your own words the miracle explained in verses 10 and 11.
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