Romans 11:11-24

Also read: Acts 13:42–51, 18:5-6, Deut. 32:21

  1. Many today believe that the New Testament teaches us that the church has replaced Israel, that God no longer has a plan for Israel as a nation. What baring do you feel these verses have on that subject?
  2. What do you think “full number” means in verse 12?
  3. The word “magnify” in verse 13 can mean: to invest with dignity or majesty. The thought in verses 13-14 can be hard to pull out because of the wording. Restate it in your own words.
  4. Even today many people argue that Israel’s existence is one of the greatest proofs of God’s existence. Paul encourages us to consider what an impact it will have on the world when they as a nation turn to the Messiah. What hope on a personal level can you draw from all this?
  5. What do you think verse 16 means? Pay attention to the verses after it.
  6. Verses 17-24 are a call to humility, gratitude and respect regarding Israel. Is there a need for this in our church culture? How can you make a positive impact in this direction?
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