Romans 11:1-10

Also read:  1 Kings 19, Isaiah 9:9-14

  1. Chapter 10 ends with an indepth explanation of the fact that Israel as a nation had heard and understood and yet rejected God’s gospel. What is God’s response to them in this passage and what personal application can you draw from it?
  2. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah came to a place in life where He feared greatly for his life. He had deep depression, hopelessness and loneliness. What did he need to hear from God? List everything that Elijah learn about God through God’s response.
  3. Verses 5 and 6 explain God’s current demonstration of grace toward Israel. In our world why is it imperative that we remember that God’s favor is a gift and not something that we get by proving ourself through works?
  4. Just when we think we have God figured out, we read a passage like verses 7-10 or the Isaiah passage. List any proper responses to these truths about God.
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